Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Chairmen Express Deep Concern Over the Recent Arrest of Uyghur Economics Professor Ilham Tohti

Feb 11, 2014 Press Release
Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission co-chairmen Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Frank Wolf (R-VA) today expressed deep concern over the recent arrest and continued detention of economics professor and Uyghur rights advocate Ilham Tohti. Mr. Tohti was detained on January 15 and has not been heard from since. This is not the first time he’s been subject to harassment by the Chinese authorities. His arrest is indicative of a broader trend in which those who criticize Chinese government policy, however peacefully, are quickly silenced. Reps. Wolf and McGovern urged the Chinese authorities to account for Mr. Tohti’s whereabouts, to swiftly release him and to respect China’s commitments to international human rights accords.